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All Content tagged with Amazon Q
Amazon Q is a generative AI-powered conversational assistant that helps builders using AWS.
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published 3 days ago0 votes27 views
The excitement is building at re:Invent 2024, with Days 2 and 3 bringing a wave of important announcements. In this post, I'll highlight my personal favorites among these announcements and offer my pe...
When I start a new conversation with Q in the AWS console, can I later somehow return to older conversations?
I’m exploring Amazon Q Developer licenses and came across the documentation on setting up access for the Amazon Q Pro Tier. I noticed it mentions IAM Identity Center as part of the setup process....
What are the key benefits of Amazon Q Business
Not sure if Amazon Q is designed exclusively for intranet (in-house team) and not for website visitors. I mean there seems to be an option to add chatbot but that chatbot can be accessed only after lo...
Can I create multiple domains for Amazon Q in one Amazon connect instance?
I am currently exploring the deployment of a **Slack gateway for Amazon Q Business** as described in the [AWS blog post](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/deploy-a-slack-gateway-for...
Is it optional in author pro user in quicksight to pay Amazon Q enablement fee
Hello, I have few PDF files in a folder which deal with software system design documents. I want to generate a comprehenwsive summary of the documents with Q Developer Pro. OPened the folder as a wo...
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hello, im trying to generate sql with awsdatacatalog(glue external table). in previous post, i got that querying external table directly isn't possible. and also i heard if i want to query those exter...
hello. i have a question. cant we use the awsdatacatalog database (external table in glue data catalog) in redshift + amazon q(generative sql)?
is this disabled?
if can, is there any guidelines to use...