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Develop applications on AWS faster and easier with Developer Tools
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537 results
i have a REact SPA website that is hosted with AWS amplify and its been working great for a year or so. I changed some of my .png and .jpeg images to .webp and now they are failing to load. I have che...
I am trying to build a python client to the AWS transcribe streaming service with identifying multiple languages support. However, I could not find parameters "identify_multiple_languages" and "langua...
I am trying to follow this https://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/interactive-sessions-vscode.html. However, there is no vscode plugin called "AWS Glue interactive sessions" on the market. I ...
I need a way to pull all accounts that my user has access to.
Looking at
It ...
Here is an example:
I installed the CloudFormation module with:
`install-awsToolsModule -Name AWS.Tools.CloudFormation`
It installed. Then, I tried to run a command:
`$Stack = Get-CfnStack $StackName...
I have the following simple code:
`#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import boto3
import json
import pprint
#ec2_re = boto3.resource("ec2")
ec2_cli = boto3.client("ec2")
response = ec2_c...
When trying to run CodeBuild with PHP 8.1 I get the following:
[Container] 2024/11/12 22:07:44.297683 Running on CodeBuild On-demand
[Container] 2024/11/12 22:07:44.297695 Waiting for agent ping
Hello, I installed greengrass on raspberry pie and am using it.
I've definitely seen custom components created, deployed, and worked properly.
A week later, I went back to Raspberry Pi and redistribut...
Typescript warnings indicate that it cannot find the module at '$lib/components' on the import statement.
import { resource } from "$lib/ts/resource"
I tried declaring the 'baseUrl' in...
We have an issue with correct routing calls from AWS to SF.
We need to build routing in SF.
On the Amazon connect side we use lambda to execute omni-flow in SF by API name. It works.
I want to write a Java program that will send a String to an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux), the EC2 will then reply back with a String "Got message" that my Java program will print. What do I need to wr...
I have been able to successfully run the IDT sample test suite but when running the GGV2Q_2.5.4 test suite it fails almost immediately at the pretest stage, reporting back "Reason: only the following ...