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Develop applications on AWS faster and easier with Developer Tools
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537 results
I received an email from AWS.
“New Amazon public certificates are no longer linked to the Starfield Class 2 certificate authority,” the email read.
How can I solve this problem?
We are looking to utilize GitSync in our Cloudformation templates to easily manage our AWS Service updates that could be needed. It looks like the CodeConnection is made for a signle user, but what ha...
I would like to know which one is the opensource (although it's right now archived) repo, which trackED the documentation hosted in the website https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/overview...
**I cannot implement a limit order products on Amazon.**
I am working on a service that allows users to automatically purchase products from Amazon once they reach a target price. For example, let’s ...
Currently the NoSQL Workbench will generate node code only for v2 of sdk. While it is important to support legacy applications on v2 there is a wide user base for the v3 sdk. It would reall...
For a scalable application consist of many API function and middleware, Could you please help me in deciding between creating multiple URLs for individual AWS Lambda functions or using a single URL fo...
Is there a hand on video or written instructions on ping federate application onboarding with Saml2 and OpenID?
I am unable to publish a .net api to Elastic Beanstalk using the "Publish To AWS" right click option in Visual Studio 2022.
After selecting the "Publish to AWS" option, the profile is validated suc...
Can someone please confirm if the CustomerReviews resource has been deprecated or if I am querying it in the wrong way? I am currently unable to get Customer Reviews returned.
**JSON Payload**
Missing artifact com.netfective.bluage:com.netfective.bluage.reverse.gapwalk.refactoring.java:jar:3.2.0 pom.xml
I need Template GUI Interface (as web interface) for Amazon Alexa.
Regarding the [Powertools logging](https://awslabs.github.io/aws-lambda-powertools-java/core/logging/#capturing-context-lambda-info) feature that logs events of Lambda handlers in AOP style,...