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All Content tagged with Amazon EC2
a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud
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My monthly billing used to be always 5 USD. In December I have received a bill that is over 19 USD using VPC & EC2. I assume that free tier is over. Is there any way I can continuously use free tier o...
It seems that I got billed for using EC2 compute on Dec 24th which did not happen.
I had a free instance that I turned off a long time ago.
However, it seems to be linked with the outage on Dec 24th ...
published 15 days ago2 votes245 views
Install Certbot on EC2 instances running AL2023 (Amazon Linux 2023), use it to request and install Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate on either Apache or Nginx web server, with automated renewal
When I tried to access the instance thru the .rdp file and even when I input the correct password obtained from the aws instance details by uploading the correct .pem file then copying the password co...
published 16 days ago0 votes103 views
T4g Free Trial Announcement
I have an Auto Scaling group configured with:
• Desired Capacity: 2
• Minimum Capacity: 2
• Maximum Capacity: 5
Scaling policy: Increase instance count by 1 when CPU utilization > 70%.
Even when the l...
I have a weird problem. My AWS account is pretty boring. I mostly use AWS for registrar and DNS…route53. I tried spinning up a EC2 instance in us-east-1 and can’t reach the internet from the instance ...
I hope this email finds you well.
We have observed a rare issue with the Auto Scaling Group's behavior related to launch template changes. Here are the details:
The launch template is config...
I can connect to my instance ec2 through my pc or dekstop, with 2 user ( default and adduser), but i can not connect in aws terminal for ec2 instance. Before that I can connect (2 days ago) in aws ec2...
Dear AWS Support,
I am currently facing an issue with one of my EC2 instances (Instance ID: i-0a7698951145a710d). When I try to start the instance, I receive the following error:
"Failed to start the ...
What happens to CloudWatch metrics when you change the region of your EC2 instance?