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All Content tagged with AWS Identity and Access Management
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides fine-grained access control across all of AWS. With IAM, you can specify who can access which services and resources, and under which conditions.
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Hey, I connected to AWS MSK from pc using AWS CLI SSO Login. I made that cluster security group open to all TCP ports. Now I want to create a topic in the cluster here from my pc, using the cluster's ...
I'm preparing the Cloud Practitioner Certification exam. I enabled MFA two days ago, passkey to be more precise. Today, i could not log in. I don't understand if my password manager (1Password) didn't...
I have a Lambda function that is called asynchronously. With this lambda function is associated a role with a trust relationship policy that allows only this lambda function to assume it, like...
I am having problems logging into ECR from Auto Scaling Group EC2 instance during startup from the EC2 userdata script.
When aws ecr get-login-password command is executed the following error occurs.
Currently I'm downloading Pdf from s3 bucket, fetching url from server side, then download pdf from url. it's working fine but takes too much time.
`try {
const response = await fetch(`endpoint?...
Is there a way to supply a specific REST resource such as:
in an API Gateway Lambda authorizer policy that matches the above endpoint (including all values of userId), but ...
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 17 days ago0 votes549 views
This article guides you on how to configure your Kubernetes webhook setup and use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to identify webhook failures proactively.
We have multiple AWS accounts, each with Cognito and Opensearch Service. One of them is still working, the other two can no longer be accessed after upgrading Opensearch past version 2.9. When trying ...
I have defined the policy for a role in aws as:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"ssm: TerminateSession",
"ssm: StartSession",
"ssm: ResumeSession"
"Resource": ["arn:a...
I previously setup a series of accounts under my organization using Control Tower. I was able to go into Service Catalog and see all of these accounts as provisioned products during this time.
Hi Everyone,
My project is using .NET Core sit in EC2 with an instance role.
When I call API Gateway HTTP API with authorizer is IAM Role, I'm using a function InstanceProfileAWSCredentials().
If I register MFA to use an Authenticator app, can I either change it later to use a Passkey or Hardware token? Or, can I add multiple methods?