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All Content tagged with AWS Identity and Access Management
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides fine-grained access control across all of AWS. With IAM, you can specify who can access which services and resources, and under which conditions.
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I have a set of Greengrass Core Devices and for each of them there's one secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager. During the lifecycle of various custom components installed on the certian core device, c...
I'm trying to query Athena using cross-account access from ECS and getting the following error:
> Insufficient permissions to execute the query. User: arn:aws:sts::123456:assumed-role/foo-athena/foo-...
I'm trying to start a port forwarding session to our RDS through a bastion host. I have it working for an administrator, now i'm trying to implement least permissions.
aws ssm start-session --...
According to this post, it seem that identity pool and IAM role can do the same thing. Let say I have SPA app that use api gate...
Dear Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently experiencing an issue with enabling access logs for a Network Application Load Balancer (ALB) that was created via the kubectl API w...
I have not seen any documentation to support that Cognito supports OAuth 2 Token Exchange grant type.
Team, When I am about to create a QBusiness web App, got stuck with Service Role creation in the first stage. Could you please assist me what are the policies it should have and if it should be "Cust...
The only way as to my knowledge is to log in to console > AWS Identity Center and click Enable Identity Center.
I don't care how messy the solution is as long as it gets it done. Terraform, AWS CLI, ...
We are using **GuestUser **login in our application, and we've created an **IAM-based schema**. The schema is attached below for reference. However, when attempting to query the table using IAM...