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All Content tagged with AWS Identity and Access Management
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides fine-grained access control across all of AWS. With IAM, you can specify who can access which services and resources, and under which conditions.
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2007 results
Further to the [AWS documentation ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/security-iam-cross-account-glue-catalog-access.html#security-iam-cross-account-glue-catalog-access-additional-s3-permis...
Hi guys, I need help with creating an SFTP user in AWS Transfer Family that has access to specific folders within an S3 bucket. Here are the details:
Current Setup:
I have an S3 bucket named abc-sftp....
published a month ago0 votes152 views
This spotlight on IAM equips you with the skills and troubleshooting tips to get the most out of a powerful service.
We've recently started using cognito Email MFA and have ran into what we believe is unexpected behaviour. We're using .NET as our backend.
* Cognito user pool with Email MFA enabled
Running a standard call to an s3 bucket. boto3 is working fine. I'm not getting through on node with the aws-sdk. CORS policy in s3 is configured such:
"AllowedHeaders": [
I am trying to deploy a Yaml script which has got a Policy deployment but it is failing with below error:
> UsagePlanReminderLambdaPolicy [UPDATE_FAILED]: Resource handler returned message: "S...
I am not able to open my Opensearch dashboard link. When I click it from the AWS Console, I just see a blank page with error message:
User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpGet beca...
I am creating an AWS CodePipeline via a CloudFormation template with three steps
1. Checkout source from GitHub
2. Build using CodeBuild
3. Deploy
However, the pipeline fails on the Deploy step with...
I am trying to set up the Google SSO for AWS workspace access. We are already using Google SSO for AWS console access. SAML app in Google workspace is already present. Which we are using it for AWS co...
I would like to share my newly created Q Business chatbot with a number of external parties for review and validation. Does this require that I establish them as individual users in the application (...
I am trying to authenticate users through their Gmail account using Identity Pool. I am successfully able to get Google id_token from Google but when I try to get AWS credentials after following this ...
via terraform or via aws eks console I get the same issue:
`Cluster has incorrect Identity Provider URL configuration. The Identity Provider URL cannot be the same as the OpenID Connect (OIDC) issuer...