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All Content tagged with Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams makes it easy to securely stream video from connected devices to AWS for analytics, machine learning (ML), playback, and other processing.
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131 results
I want to create a real time video enhancement service using AWS. Basically, clients (edge services) will be able to connect to the service and stream live video to the service and the service would a...
Hi all, the [official documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams/latest/dg/producer-sdk.html) for Kinesis Video Streams lists Java, Android, C and C++ as the supported producer lib...
Hi all, we can consumer Kinesis **Video** Streams over websocket using [Kinesis Video Stream WebRTC](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesisvideostreams-webrtc-dg/latest/devguide/what-is-kvswebrtc.html), ...
I am using amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-c to set up a video call.
When launching video-only, the latency for video is good at 150ms, but the latency for audio-video gradually builds up and...
Hi all, is it possible to consume a Kinesis Video Stream in real time over Websocket? Not looking to do two way communication, just need one way sending of realtime amazon connect call streams over we...
on following the above video , after enterking the command cmake . . -DBUILD_GSTREAMER_PLUGIN=ON it is giving the error 'the source directory doesnt appear to contain CMakeLists.txt . But i have alrea...
I used the AWS 'starter kit' with CDK, here in Github (https://github.com/aws-samples/cloud-gateway-for-amazon-kinesis-video-streams/tree/main/ec2-cdk-app) to ingest my camera video into Kinesis but, ...
published 8 months ago1 votes22.4K views
Harnessing Real-Time Streaming for Scalable Data Processing and Analysis
Hi All,
Past month i implemented the image extraction from Kinesis Video Stream deliver to S3 Bucket, It was working fine, But unfortunately, the process stopped working i.e the image doesn't extract ...
Hi all,
I'm interested in creating a proof-of-concept where I would stream some generic gstreamer pipeline concluding with a generic WebRTC interface (like the gst webrtcbin element) and be able to d...
If I use a 'Start Media Streaming' Block in a contact flow on amazon connect, will it enable me to record interactions even if the contact is transferred to an external number from within the contact ...
I want to run gstreamer+kvs producer on an EC2 instance. What is the best way to determine the EC2 instance size? What other considerations do i need to check? If anyone can provide some examples as a...