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All Content tagged with Application Integration
Integrate distributed systems and serverless applications with less code
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101 results
I have configured the Lex and Connect to play this following prompt. The voice input, it recognize it quickly within 3-4 seconds. But for the DTMF input, it takes 7-9 seconds, which is a huge del...
Here's the situation. The following prompt will be played from the Amazon connect using Get input block.
> Please say or enter your 8 digit Date of Birth, 9 digit full Social Security Number or...
The following prompt should be played to the callers.
> **"Thanks for calling. For English, say English or press 1. For Spanish, say Spanish or press 2. For other language, say Other".**
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to receive the agent workspace events (contact , agent) to my custom page so that I can do some logic when chat accepted event.
Could you help me on this !!!
I am trying to add Salesforce within the Amazon agent workspace using third-party integration, but I get the error "content is blocked, ask site owner."
The Salesforce is configured with Amazon Connect using the CTI adapter. So the agents can use the Amazon connect CTI adapter to handle the calls inside the Salesforce. Now, the callers informatio...
We are testing out a new version of ActiveMQ in a non-prod environment, but we've encountered some issues on the new version and would like to revert to the previous configuration. However, if we try...
I am currently working on integrating AWS Pinpoint SMS with Appian using the API reference provided in the documentation. I am using the base URL:
When I te...
Hi there,
while reading this [guidance](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/framework/sec_identities_identity_provider.html) i see reference to a tool called saml2aws - is there any gui...
Hi - I am using the CloudFormation Template from the AWS SaaS Integration page here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/deploy-serverless-saas.html
I am trying to register my comp...
I am attempting to invoke an external API via Step functions that requires authorization in the form of:
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_HERE>"
I have attempted a variety of combinations in...
published 6 months ago0 votes1.8K views
AWS Transfer Family Feature Launch Announcement