All Content tagged with CloudWatch Logs Insights
CloudWatch Logs Insights enables you to interactively search and analyze your log data in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can perform queries to help you more efficiently and effectively respond to operational issues.
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published a year ago3 votes22959 views
Hi, I recently deployed an amazon connect instance for outbound contact center communication, I have enable outbound campaigns in the telephony, then I also created roles and policies to provide...
I am storing a message in a log stream of aws. For a particular time interval these are the 2 logs on which I need to write a query which I will run on log insight.
![logs on which the query will...
Our organization recently switched to SES from Mandril/Mailchimp and would like to be able to search email events by both specific recipient email address and subject line much like Mandril provides...
I'm trying to create alarm for multiple instances using cloud watch metric query. I have used the sample query as shown below.
I have two queries to run aws lambda cloud watch logs. The first query returns me the requestId of lambdas based on the condition used.
fields @requestId
|filter objectType=“filter-keyword"
I want to...
I'm working with WebSocket API and I'm having a hard time configuring and setting up CloudWatch logs for my WebSocketStage() in CDK using TypeScript. I don't know if I'm missing something. Any idea?
In my log group struct is
log stream1:
"timestamp": "2023-04-14 01:19:15,918+0000"
"F1": "v1",
"F2": "v1.1",
"F3": "v1.2",
"data": "12"
log stream1.1:
I want to check the current cpu utilization in millicore units instead of percentage and the maximum cpu utilization that a pod can allow me (in millicore units). How can I check that?
I am trying to write a CloudWatch Log Insights query which will extract the first part of a string field up to a forward slash '/' character, which is always present in the string. Example input log...
Is there a way to set the timezone to UTC instead of local timezone in Logs Insights for all users on a team? Similarly, is there a way to set all log groups/log streams to use UTC instead of local...
Hey guys,
I created an IAM Identity Center permission set and group. The permission set attached to the group only allows the users inside the group to view CloudWatch logs generated by a specific...