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All Content tagged with Amazon Cognito Sync
an AWS service and client library that enables cross-device syncing of application-related user data
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12 results
Hello everyone,
Everytime i signup to the application, i receive a code in my email and when i write it i get this error "email_verified: Attribute cannot be updated”:
![Enter image description her...
I am currently using the Cognito PreSignUp trigger to validate and insert the user attributes both default and custom into the database. I need a way to return the the userId (which is generat...
I am implemented login functionality with aws-amplify, need to accessToken after login how to get accessToken after login.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Authenticator } from...
MY Problem is little different i have create an app and i hosted same app with 3 different URL Like below.
Above i...
We have created a SAML application which allows portal users to do SSO and log into an internal platforms.
The way this is configured is as follows:
1) IAM Identity Center contains the users and gro...
I have encountered an issue with my "Custom Message Lambda Function" in AWS Cognito, which triggers after user signup. While the Lambda function is successfully able to set the "Email Subject," it is ...
Does AWS Cognito User Pool SAML has SCIM support (ADFS)?
Any example of how it can be implemented?
We are planning a migration to Cognito for our authentication infrastructure, just wanted to find out the best way to send localised notifications (forgot password, email verification etc.) to us...
I use Cognito Sync "updateRecords" function in JavaScript SDK v3 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/CognitoSync.html#updateRecords-property) and set "Op" in "RecordPatches" to "r...
Hello I'm trying to get user information by userid but it does not return all list of UserAttributes
Trying to get using this method
const user = await this.cognito
AWS cognito SDK is throwing error that sync session token expired. Dataset sync get affected due to this error.
- AWS Cognito SDK version - 2.6.35
- iOS Base SDK version - 13
- Encountered this issue ...
Hello Team,
The pre-token generation lambda trigger for Cognito is not working properly for .net core, It is throwing this error: