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All Content tagged with Cost Optimization Hub
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published 3 months ago4 votes312 views
This article explores cost-saving techniques for using Amazon S3 Deep Archive, a low-cost long-term data storage service. It focuses on addressing the challenges of small data objects, which can incur...
Hi all, I am wondering what the difference between the Cost Optimization in Trusted Advisor vs Cost Optimization Hub feature under Billing is?
Hello there,
1. We are using Cost Optimization Hub > View Oppurtunities > Create recurring export to Amazon S3 to export the Savings opportunities in an S3 bucket and this is a daily export.
2. We ne...
Why there is no export options to csv or excel in AWS for majority of the list screens? it would be helpful to quickly download and view and analyze the list details.
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Hi all, After reading a bunch of articles and, I have decided to ask for guidance on how to lower cost for EC2, S3 and EBS. I understand the concept ...
I understand that AWS's underlying RI and SP recommendation engine(s) uses historical data to (imperfectly) make recommendations to fit projected future usage.
We know, mathematically, that purcha...
published a year ago0 votes2.9K views
In this article I share a Python 3 script used to programmatically retrieve status and recommendations from Cost Optimization Hub using the Boto3 APIs. Using these APIs to retrieve recommendations all...
I just checked the boxes for more historical and granular data in the Cost Management Preferences but I see this message "Disabling: Your data will be disabled by 11/30/23, 1 PM CT. You won't be charg...