All Content tagged with FedRAMP
The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a US government-wide program that delivers a standard approach to the security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services.
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7 results
Hi everyone,
I wonder what should customers undergoing FedRamp do with EKS add-on images, which are not FIPS compliant?
Namely, those are 'kube-proxy', 'coredns', 'aws-ebs-csi-driver',...
It seems that the Amazon Bedrock service is not yet FedRAMP so I would like to use Claude without Bedrock. I also need the Claude model running in my AWS account versus using Anthropic's API. Is this...
I want to set system property AWS_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT to true to enable fips endpoint for aws java sdk, but I have too many aws regions, in our code there are some concurrent request to different...
I would like to position Capacity Planning to the Federal government but I cannot find any documentation on the status of FedRAMP for the feature.
I do not require FedRAMP High - just MOD in a...
This is a very specific situation and I am getting conflicting opinions. Let's say there is a premise site. This site has a VPN into a GovCloud (FedRamp High) environment running Amazon Connect. ...
I have an instance in us-gov-west which previously could access the RHEL 8 package repos but now cannot. The error I receive is:
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Unable to read...
I see that Neptune is available in the GovCloud but I do not see it in the list of services in scope for FedRAMP. Can you clarify whether Neptune will be in scope for FedRAMP compliance soon?