All Content tagged with Device Management
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Hi AWS, I have a workflow which I need to automate as it is having issues of downtime very often i.e.
1. There are smart meters which are collecting IoT data and sending it to a Gateway using Radio...
Can we store Device/Thing MetaData in AWS IOT core ?
We have iot things that we provision using fleet provisioning. These devices have metadata associated with it and other characteristics example...
We are looking to use AWS IOT core for device management of our android devices . Our devices already have our custom app installed on them and our plan was to leverage the app to provision the...
I have a couple of questions related to selecting the right tool for the job.
There are three different technologies, which apparently all of them can handle device management:
1. AWS...
Trying to deploy a basic + nodejs test on devicefarm but always for ios device test cases are getting stuck at
Testcase is failing:
job arn:...
On the Instances console page, the EBS volume for the root device is reported to be: /dev/xvda
But, the "df -k" command from the instance itself is reporting: /dev/nvme0n1p1 (an NVMe) device.
When creating provisioning templates in AWS IoT Core you can attach a pre-provisioning hook.
I'm looking at onboarding...
VentureBeat ( featured article on AWS access control system hardware 2 years ago, but no information is available from the link.
please share...
unable to start httpd service - getting Address Already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
I copied new ssl cert files to my server but upon doing a httpd restart I get the following error:
(98) Address Already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98) Address Already in...
Can my customer create a private group that is only viewable by their own employees?