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All Content tagged with Amazon Macie
Amazon Macie is a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS.
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32 results
Does there exist any kind of developmental roadmap (or even a plan) for the expansion of AWS Macie to other AWS native data types such as Aurora, DynamoDB, the various RDS, etc... ?
How long does it take for the Macie heatmap to accurately reflect changes made to the automated discovery identifiers? As an example, let's say that on the 1st I make a change to which managed data i...
I am getting error while deploying Amazon Macie integration with Control Tower using the https://github.com/AdamDivall/CfCT-Amazon-Macie resource. The error that happens on CustomResourceEnableMacie r...
I have classification error in my coverage issues console in Amazon Macie, issue is Permission denied (9) - Update AWS KMS key policies. But KMS has all needed policies:
We want to run Macie job for specific S3 put event .e.g., when user upload file to s3 bucket and let Macie scan the file for sensitive information. Here is plan to achieve this,
-- Create Macie O...
I created a Macie Job for identifying mobile numbers(+91 based) and used all the AWS managed identifiers in the job, yet the job was not able to find/highlight the mobile numbers in the data. Any reas...
I have a json field with sensitive information getting logged to a cloudwatch group. I would like to censor this field using the Data Protection policies on cloudwatch, however this it doesn't match a...
I am attempting to build a lambda (with boto3/python) using the list_findings call.
My function is:
response = client.list_findings(
'criterion': {
Macie provides detailed positions of sensitive data in output file. But, I want to extract that data using positions from output file. Also, macie reveal only 10 samples.
Is there any way to get more ...
I have administrator access.
I follow [Amazon macie Getting Started](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/macie/latest/user/getting-started.html)
I make sure that I successfully generate sample findings
If you set up an Amazon Macie job and choose to use all managed data identifiers, and then you set it to run on a schedule, will it start including more and more managed data identifiers if and when m...
It looks like passwords are not [one of the managed identifiers](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/macie/latest/user/managed-data-identifiers.html). Is there a recommendation for how to create a custom iden...