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All Content tagged with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) is a managed orchestration service for Apache Airflow1 that makes it easier to set up and operate end-to-end data pipelines in the cloud at scale.
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196 results
When trying to create an MWAA Environment, I'm having an error trying to create the default VPC:
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I am using MWAA 2.10.1 version and this is the requirement file i am using and it was throwing a error while importing the dag by stating that the "No module named snowflake". Could you please suggest...
**->The workers and schedulers from MWAA are able to download things from the target instance on port 443 (repository, internally hosted) but the MWAA web server cannot, get's time out when tries to ...
We're running MWAA 2.10.1 on a private network, so I had to package my Python packages in a, as well as the constraints, but we are seeing this error when attempting to install:
I set up a new Airflow MWAA environment in the London zone, but it can’t see any DAG files under the ‘dags’ folder and is not rendering the DAG list. I checked the role and bucket permissions used by ...
Hello all,
I have created private mwaa environment.
Airflow version = 2.8.1
Environment class = mw1.small
Workers count with default values.
Region is eu-north-1
Added the following settings:
Hello all,
I have created public mwaa environment.
Airflow version = 2.8.1
Environment class = mw1.small
Workers count with default values.
Region is eu-north-1
Added the following settings:
Recently without any changes done to my MWAA environment or the tasks running, tasks now fail with a high probability as soon as their initially run without any logs being generated in the worker or t...
Since we update MWAA version to 2.7.2+ we start facing issue when using [Dynamic Task Mapping](
I was trying to upgrade the version of Apache Airflow from 2.2.2 to 2.10.2 but I was getting the error with installing the packages in the requirement.txt file in dbt-redshift , dbt-postgres , dbt-cor...
Specifically I'm getting the banner error:
Broken plugin: [/usr/local/airflow/plugins/custom_operators/] No module named 'airflow.providers.databricks'
I am using the operator de...