All Content tagged with AWS X-Ray
AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug production, distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture.
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I am currently using Amplify to set up my backend because Appsync is a key part of my stack.
However, I also use SQS to publish certain messages into a queue. This is easily done using the in-code...
To collect traces from DAPR we are using Opentelemetry collector and using Zipkin receiver since that's supported by DAPR and using awsxray exporter in open telemetry configuration. We see the traces...
We have this really odd request latency problem that may have to do with something infrastructurally on our egress servers located on premises, but we're not sure. Looking at x-ray traces, we'll see a...
we are using X-Ray to monitor our services. I would like to use X-Ray insight to watch anomalies in our system.
I can see there is some insight in the X-Ray generated a couple of days ago. I...
I'm new to aws x-ray and trying to use x-ray with AOP based approach in a springboot application. I was able to get the traces in the aws console, but traces doesn't show inner method call method2()...
I am trying to enable X-Ray on our application. At first we were only getting information for Dynamo, but then I realized I needed to include the instrumentors for both v1 and v2 versions of the...
I've been working as a blockchain company. My manager wants to integrate: Amazon X-Ray. Our solution uses several microservices. Part of them are using: The others...
Hi guys,
I am trying to add AWS X-Ray to our solution which includes S3, Lambda and DynamoDB services, but I am struggling with the exception "Entity doesn't exist in callcontext".
Normally, I would...
Hi. My usecase requires using the duration() function provided by openCypher which returns the duration between 2 dates/datetime. I am running these openCypher queries in neptune db and its throwing...
I would like to reduce the amount of data in X-Ray and pay less money due to less storage being used. But it looks like there's no delete API, and the pricing is based only on recorded traces, not on...
The docs just say that AWS stores them for 30 days. I would like to be able to store them for a shorter time and pay less when the retention period is shorter.
Hi, my website has been hosted in AWS (Mumbai region) and I have been enable SSL by using putty and putty gen, but recently I have been added cloudflare as a DNS server, after that my website is not...