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All Content tagged with AWS Blu Age
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130 results
I am running the Blu Age L3 workshop and in the Execution>Test>Batch step (https://catalog.workshops.aws/aws-blu-age-l3-certification-workshop/en-US/execution/test/batch) when running the COMBTRAN job...
I am doing the Blu Age L3 workshop and I have reached the Execution step, but when I connected to AppStream today I got an HTTP Error 400, the URL is no longer valid.
When I created a new URL, everyt...
When doing Blu Age L3 workshop in Execution Test-Batch, in the step of executing the batch chain, when running the TRANBKP job the first time, in the working directory the expected files have been cre...
As part of my L3 certification workshop ,need to have an access to create a Transformation center project from my Blu Insights account, since i have already consumed one transformation project during ...
We have deployed gapwalk,bac and gapwalk-utilities pgm , our program when calls any utility for example
> ctrl.callSubProgram("CEEDAYS", CallBuilder.newInstance()
When I use the transaction runner locally to run transaction CC00, and I attempt to view user 00000002, I see the following written in red:
File Error: READ on CXACAIX returned RESP 00000001...
While doing the Codebase Transformation Step : In Basic issue step when I did the name like 'CVTRA02Y' when I did the launch (As mentioned in the workshop) then my graph is not same as the shown in wo...
How to implement CICS TWA (Transactional work area) in AWS Bluage? For the CICS command -
The application opens in Appstream but whenever i try to access the application, the signon page shows no transaction found. The batch jobs have succeeded. Please guide me through this.
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How to view mainframe sequential file with copybook in AWS Bluage similar to VSAM file thru Blusam?
Hi, currently doing the AWS Blu Age Level 3 Self-Paced Troubleshooting Workshop and I'm following the steps (currently at this step https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/bf71c0bc-6d8a...
Go Live Start carddemo application failed.
Following is the error from CloudWatch log:
com.netfective[ ERROR] 2024-07-02 18:56:06 [main] Catalina - No shutdown port configured. Shut down server throu...