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All Content tagged with AWS Blu Age
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130 results
Hello, I am working on starting local database server from appstream 2.0 : https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/bf71c0bc-6d8a-4d04-9c10-ab479f7f0e37/en-US/tools/postgresql#install-lo...
I am doing L3 workshop and currently at Data Migration. I have followed the instruction as given in the workshop for CICS configuration.
The CSD - CARDDEMO was supposed to transformed and sql file n...
I am unable to open L3 workshop link provided in the email, getting page not found error.
I have cleared cache and cookies. Tried in multiple browsers still getting the same error.
I was shared with an AppStream image BluAge-L3-Workshop-Image-4-2-0. When I build the project in Eclipse, it is looking for a gapwalk jar of 4.2.1.
I'm stuck on the Backend Execution steps of the workshop. Everything seems to work except the scripts (which are present in the Scripts folder) are not processing, .therefore I am unable to perform ...
I'm running a batch test job on AWS (URL: http://localhost:8080/gapwalk-application/script/TRANBKP), and I’m encountering errors in a Groovy script execution involving IDCAMS. The job log shows severa...
AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.BKUP {"currentGeneration":76,"limit":5,"updateTimeStamp":1729910127469,"fullGDGPolicy":"NOEMPTY","gdgName":"AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.BKUP","creationTimeStamp":0}
I am facing ...
I am fa...
I am currently in the Execution/backend section of the workshop and copying the necessary yml and xml files in the config folder of my working-directory
Create a **config** folder in working director...
Is it possible to specify or add to the data sources used by re:Post Agent ?
Hello Everyone,
In Workshop version 4.2.0, I am encountering the following error when trying to test the online transaction features.
Could this issue be related to the current BluAge runtime version...
I get all of the other results, but no SCRIPTS...can anyone steer me in the right direction on where to look. I am thinking I might I'm missing some java dependencies and the program isn't running t...