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Hi all,
I have a Aurora MySQL cluster with 2x db.t2.medium multi-AZ instances (reader/writer).
My last reserved instances expire today but in the purchase form I can only see db.t3.medium. Why?
I purchased multiple t3.medium Reserve Instances twice.
Will I be charged twice? Can I request that one is canceled?
I need to optimize costs on my AWS account, and one of the things I want to do is to reserve a node for my redshift cluster. `dc2.large` instance is more than enough for me, however I am unable to...
I should know this but I cant find any information on this.
When purchasing reserved instances, when does the billing start?
Is it the next billing cycle i.e. End of the month or is it immediately...
I understand that AWS's underlying RI and SP recommendation engine(s) uses historical data to (imperfectly) make recommendations to fit projected future usage.
We know, mathematically, that...
I bought a reserved instance year ago, the instance was expired and now it was billed on-demand pricing. I go through the AWS documentation and get known the renewal of retired instance is not...
I can see that I have RDS Reserved Instances expiring in the near future (in the coming months). Is there a way for me to renew them now (essentially indicating that I want auto-renewal when they...
I am planning to buy 3 years of reserved c5.2xlarge EC2. Also I'm planning to enable an EC2 saving plan. What should I purchase first?
If I buy the purchase plan first and then go for c5.2xlarge do I...
I just created Amazon RDS Reserved instances.
I can't find how to cancel this purchase.
How can i cancel it?
Reservation ID : `ri-2023-12-06-05-51-01-868`
Lease ID.:...
We have two 3 year no upfront ComputeSavingsPlan & 3 year no upfront Reserved Instance plan (Any region). For Oct billing, I see some EC2 instances are billed under both RI & SP. From the...
I need to create an oracle RDS using reserved instance.
I have created many RDS on-demand instances before but this seems to be created differently.
I used the "Reserved Instances" under the RDS...
Hello team, I have three question for which if you can provide more clarification and public facing document, it would be great help.
1. As far as we understand it, it doesn't matter on what account...