All Content tagged with NICE DCV
Deliver high-performance remote desktop and application streaming
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I ran the following command on my macbook:
% python3 dcv/ connect <cloud desktop full address>
Here is an error log on my macbook
cdd/connect> INFO: Connecting to session...
published 4 days ago0 votes58 views
published 5 days ago0 votes83 views
So i currently have nice dcv running in my docker container on EC2,
in running my docker, i am using `--network=host` which works on one container, i can then open the IP:PORT of my ec2 instance and...
I'm encountering issues with the CloudFormation Template found in the NICE DCV page located at the direct link to the CF template is here...
NICE DCV Client [is available]( for Linux, if the architecture is x86_64.
NICE DCV Client [is available]( for macOS, if the architecture...
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMzgScINybQZmqgordJav4lw)
So i am having a big of an issue, i have Docker running inside my ec2 instance, the Docker is running the nice...
Hi There,
We have a client application that requires the use of extended function keys (F13, F14, F15 in particular). I can't seem to get these keys to work at all with NICE DCV using a Mac client....
So i am trying to run my nice dcv on my Docker container in Amazon Linux 2 (EC2 instance), for some reason, ![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IM7kBc43o0RmCilN3sQd7YIw)
i am...
Hi there,
We are running DCV server with RHEL 9 (specifically Rocky 9) on g5 and g6 instances and are generally happy with the experience. However, a couple of our users are experiencing an odd...