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All Content tagged with NICE DCV
Deliver high-performance remote desktop and application streaming
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116 results
published a month ago2 votes452 views
How to configure the default display screen resolution of an EC2 instance running Windows Server?
We are currently trying to develop SAAS through AWS-dcv-web-portal github.
Currently Link:
I tried to fork and use the github link, but t...
hi there - anyone seen a public AMI that works with G5 with GRID drivers. We have the same for G4 but G5 in Bahrain I don't seem to have this
i am using the updated web sdk, but i get this error in loading up a stream
import dcv from "./dcvjs-esm/dcv";
After deploying some Windows EC2 instances with DCV server on eu-south-2 region (Spain), the DCV client always complains about no license available, even with iam role correctly assigned (s3 arn locat...
I start a ubuntu EC2 instance and setup nice dcv through UserData.
Is there any way to make user such as "ubuntu" login the nice dcv desktop and run a program automatically after nice dcv set...
Hi , I am using ubuntu OS on dcv server and using dcv client on windows. i am facing random keystrokes missing mainly with (shift+9 which prints '(' ) , this issue is facing by many users in our infr...
so i start my dcv session with `dcv create-session --owner dcv --init elliot`
the screen is how dcv gets displayed on my frontend
on my code i have something like this:
import "./dcvj...
We are currently testing setting up a G-instance (in particular, G5) Windows Server 2022 with NICE DCV, out-of-the-box.
(There is not [yet] any NICE DCV provided AMI with Windows Server 20...
So i am using react nice dcv sdk
this works fine, but when i enter the nice dcv session, this is extremely slow in responding to clicks, so i can for example click on something in the dcv window, i do...
I am using an Ubuntu 20.04 general-purpose instance (without GPU support) and running a virtual session with NICE DCV. I'm having a problem with screen recording. Every time the screen is resized...
published 4 months ago2 votes818 views
Steps to install desktop environment, desktop manager and and Amazon DCV high performance remote display protocol server on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (SLES 15)