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All Content tagged with FPGA Development
Accelerate your applications with FPGA technology
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146 results
Hello, we'd like to run our FPGA machines inside our EKS cluster. Does anyone know of a working AMI/ECR image combination that would allow this to happen? We've tried rolling our own in several ways w...
Is support for using SDAccel 2018.2 still available i.e. AMI 1.5.x? While creating new instance I can see no earlier than 1.10x!
Starting December 21 2021, AWS Forums was made Read Only. While the AWS Forums banners are requesting customers to post on AWS Re:Post, we strongly recommend posting on the aws-fpga Github Issues (htt...
Beginning December 31, 2021 AWS will disable new AFI creations of designs made using Xilinx 2017.4 toolsets. We will also sunset FPGA Developer AMI v1.4.0 and calls to EC2 CreateFpgaImage: <https://do...
Looking into getting data retention working for my design and I came across below requirement in the documentation.
"The AFI must use all four DDR controllers. (All of DDR_A_PRESENT, DDR_B_PRESEN...
Tried to spin up an F1 instance in the NoVA data center yesterday and was unable to for at least 15 minutes after which I gave up. Haven't had this happen before and was curious as to the reason and i...
I am trying to use the cl_ila same as in cl_dram_dma., i.e, I have the 2 AXI busses to monitor using ILA.
However the synthesis script cannot seem to find the cl_debug_bridge module.
Which files/...
Hey everyone,
I've recently bumped to a newer AMI which brings in Vivado 2020.2, I was previously on 2018.4. I've noticed that Vivado has gotten much more strict about hiding the names of cells i...
Locally done by instantiating an MMCM and then accessing its PSEN, PSINCDEC, PSCLK and PSDONE ports.
I'm just getting started but couldn't find a concrete answer to this, sorry if it's a dumb que...
Hi. I am using FPGA Developer AMI 1.11.0 and was running hello_world example from, using "make all TARGET=hw DEVICE=$AWS_PLATFORM"
I am us...
Hi All,
Based on the output of lsmod command and documents ( ), the default driver for CentOS is xocl.
Seeing a intra-clock timing violation between clocks "rdck" and "tck" (both associated by dbg_hub) after enabling DDRA and connecting a CDMA IP to it.
1) dbg_hub is automatically adde...