All Content tagged with AWS Step Functions
AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service that developers use to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and build data and machine learning pipelines using AWS services.
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I am attempting to invoke an external API via Step functions that requires authorization in the form of:
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN_HERE>"
I have attempted a variety of combinations in...
Hi Team,
I am working on building a Data Architecture that will enable end customers to view the data through a frontend UI and also the internal users to query and play with the data in the...
As in a title, is there a way to configure EvetBridge for my State Machine to receive events after each step? I want to know if my steps are passed correctly or to get details about them like duration...
I need trigger a azure function from from AWS service.
Is it possible to trigger from any aws service (lambda, step function etc.)
Please share the possibilities
Thanks in advance
We have an ECS Fargate Task that calls some other AWS Services (SNS, RDS) that is being invoked by a Step Function, and we would like to be able to see the whole XRay Trace map.
The ECS Fargate Task...
I am trying to create a payload definition that should look like - in 1st step which is **new tasks.LambdaInvoke**
"Status" : "Success"
I have a step function in which I have a task where I start execution of another step function. It usually returns the HTTP meta data (`SdkHttpMetadata` to be specific) in the output and I use the...
We are evaluating the most suitable AWS service for automating our indexing job workflow. Our workflow involves processing messages received from an application, loading data from S3 into...
I have a scenario in step function where I need to execute a task after failure. below is the skeleton of the stepfunction code. but this is currently throwing TypeError for 'FAILED' status alone...
This is what I'm trying to achieve. How to;
1. Deploy the ready-built bedrock (chatbot) model in lambda+api gateway (suitable for step functions). Is it web-sockets or API ?
2. Connect lambda & step...
How can I run an instance using Step function? The best if it can by run sync way with outputting instance ID :)
I have a step function for doing a migration task on a dynamo table. I need to turn of the kinesis stream associated with the table using aws SDK first step and then run the migration task then turn...