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All Content tagged with Amazon Elastic Container Service
Fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications
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We are encountering an issue where static assets (e.g., JavaScript chunks) are not being correctly loaded from the designated CDN despite setting the assetPrefix in the next.config.js. This ...
Can I use the CDK in Typescript to set or manipulate the container deployment order? I have 3 containers in a task, A, B, C. However, C should only be deployed when A and B are in the last status "Run...
Hi AWS Community,
i have an EventBridge Rule
Type: AWS::Events::Rule
- aws.ecs
Hello, I am working with a customer who is concerned about the security of secrets within their ECS environment. Specifically, they are worried about secrets potentially leaking from containers and be...
I have a few services in ECS that are using Service Discovery AND Service Connect. The services are working fine and can find each other at runtime, however I'm unable to see any "Traffic Health" on E...
In EKS I use Bottlerocket intances with prefilled docker images for a faster start on autoscaling. Is it possible to use those prefilled Bottelerocket instance machines with ECS EC2 clusters, too?
I'm utilizing custom domains in Auth0 for my web and api applications, both running in ECS. I have established custom domains for my Auth0 tenant, and tested locally successfully, and deployed the cha...
I deployed an application (net core app, web application) packaged with Docker on ECS and defined the task, but an error occurred when starting the service. The following is the ECSService CREATE_FAIL...
I've seen a few chats on GitHub:
and an article that references a now pulled article on AWS
# Help Needed with Multiplayer Game Infrastructure: Matchmaking, NLB, and Scaling Questions
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a **multiplayer game infrastructure** and have several questions about the bes...