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All Content tagged with Amazon Elastic Container Service
Fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications
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1365 results
I'm using Terraform to create and manage ECS services and task definitions. Upon initial run a task definition is created (revision 1) and used in the ECS service.
When the pipeline runs a new deploy...
We are using AWS fargate instances for an Azure DevOps pool. We can scale up OK (not great, but OK), but scaling down seems to be a problem. We've had instances of AWS scaling down tasks that are curr...
I have an ECS service with auto-scaling policies deployed using AWS CDK. One of my scaling policies is configured to scale down the service based on a metric that tracks idle tasks. Recently, I notice...
My ECS task definition use Secrets from Secret Manager. I have changed them and now I want to use the refreshed value. How to do it?
I have changed a ECS service to scheduled task.
After the change the task no longer writes on CloudWatch.
The scheduled task has a specific role on eventbridge with:
- AmazonEC2ContainerServiceEvent...
How to solve a security vulnerability in ECS Task definition -
ECS task definition should have a logging configuration
Earlier today, I was deploying a new version of an ECS service with an EC2 ASG capacity provider. This service has 3 tasks running at a minimum. Earlier, this service had scaled up to, lets say, 15 ta...
Hi - I did the following steps
(1) create a ecs cluster with 3 ec2 instances
(2) deploy 2 tasks tagged TeamApp:ms1 and TeamApp:ms2 in the cluster
(3) task1 also uses a dynamodb table that is also ta...
Hello Team,
I am running my workload in EKS Cluster using Fargate node and it runs successfully but intermittently I see my fargate nodes are recreated from AWS so the Kubernetes statefulset and depl...