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All Content tagged with Linux Provisioning
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I'm trying to complete my Cloud Practioner lab assignments and I can create an EC2 instance in US East 1 N.Virginia, but when tasked to create an EC2 instance in US East 2, there are no AMI's availabl...
Hi everyone,
I’m facing an issue with **AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery** and was hoping someone here might be able to help!
We’re replicating some of our servers from the primary to the secondary reg...
I am using a r6a.large EC2 with Ubuntu as OS. my 'ethtool' command does not produce the 'conntrack_allowance_availale' metric output , as I checked the documentation it says the metric is supported b...
I'm currently using EC2 instances to deploy my backend microservices application, which consists of multiple Docker images. Unfortunately, a single EC2 instance can't handle all the images sim...
I have EC2 ubuntu instance with arm Graviton but when take AMI and Build it with x86_64 instance type get Instance reachability check failed.
I'm using ec2 ubuntu as website server but yesterday, suddenly the instance didn't reply and I can't access to the instance.
After to stop and restart the instance , I can do access to the instance.
Hi Team,
need help answer this while trying to fetch ami from default AWS ssm parameter store its failing saying "configuration not supported in gov cloud ". In commercial account this works fine , bu...
Hello AWS Community,
I have a client who operates a website on an EC2 instance with 64 GB of RAM, which can handle peak traffic from 7 PM to 12 AM. During off-peak hours, the website can function eff...
Getting this error while connecting my aws instance, Tried everything by adding inbound traffic rules still cant able to connect dont know why. Kindly help.
Failed to connect to your instance
EC2 Inst...
I recently posted a question regarding a Lightsail instance that hosts my Wordpress site.
I then attempted to install ...
Hello, my developer sent me this as my online portal is not working.
“I could see port 80, 443 are blocked in my server.
As part of the improvement, the server closed with all unwanted ports which a...
Hello Team, We have one EC2 Ubuntu Pro instance which is stucked in status checked 1/2 failed and not able accessed over SSH. Even logs are not seen over console for this instance. Can someone check ...