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All Content tagged with Lambda@Edge
Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that lets you run code closer to users of your application, which improves performance and reduces latency.
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I'm trying to do traffic routing based on url to different distribution in cloudfront. Lets say I have 706.domain.com and 707.domain.com. both are pointing to the same Cloudfront where there are 3 dif...
Seeking Forum Assistance: Currently, I'm utilizing an S3 bucket housing a website as objects, all connected to a CloudFront distribution. Furthermore, I've integrated Cognito for user authentication. ...
We have a Cloudfront based web application. The application is using Origin Edge Lambda which filters request based on certain SSM parameters.
The SSM Parameters need to change often and the lambda f...
Is it possible to use a **CloudFunction** to configure the desired behavior? Are there some obvious things to try that I am missing?
- `http://subdomain1.my-domain.com` >>> `s3://my-bucket/subdomain1...
I have a lambda function that attempts to redirect social media crawlers based on their user-agent header to an s3 containing prerendered html (s3 is called 'prerendered-routes'). If the...
I'm going to write a Lambda@Edge function and I'm deciding between the two latest Runtimes of Node.js 20 and Python 3.11.
The code will do simple string manipulations to the Path of the request to Clo...
My overall solution is that I'm using the lambda@edge function triggered at Origin-request cloudfront event to get signedCookies by accessing the private key from secrets. I notice that the replicatio...
Can we validate code-signing for Lambda@Edge as its applicable for some of the aws services and I go thru the limitation its not mentioned there that aws lambda@edge doesn't support code-signing. Plea...
Looks like the URL is pre-parsed into `uri` and `querystring`, but it leaves out location property or fragment identifier. We use vue.js and it creates URL's like `domain.com/#/path/to/something/?opti...
Hi All,
I'm currently trying to implement an integration in an Edge function to call a Lambda Function through an FunctionUrl which has IAM as auth-type.
I originally followed this blog post available...
Instead of directly serving objects from AWS S3, we can use AWS Cloud Front CDN for object delivery,
Since we are using AWS Server Side Encryption with Customer provided keys in S3, it is difficult to...
I have a gatsby served page and like many before me I have the issue of when URI does not include index.html it does not find the page to serve.
I've followed countless guides now from adding a f...