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All Content tagged with Lambda@Edge
Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that lets you run code closer to users of your application, which improves performance and reduces latency.
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I am deploying next.js application with auth0 authentication onto AWS Amplify. This is working on localhost as expected.
I created "Environment variables" with AUTH0_SECRET and others in the amplify A...
I created a simple Lambda@Edge function like below.
'use strict';
exports.handler = async function(event, context, callback) {
const cf = event.Records[0].cf;
console.log('Record: ', JS...
Hi all,
I have an infrastructure consisting of Cloudfront and an ALB as the source of this distribution.
I need to direct requests not only to the ALB Target Group but also to redirect requests to an...
I am able to access the Lambda function directly or via the custom domain with a 200 status. However, configuring a Lambda@edge function to redirect to the custom origin results in a {"message":"For...
We have created a lambda@edge function (nodejs 14 with default aws sdk) that retrieves an object from an S3 Object Lambda accesspoint. Most of the time everything works correctly, but from one moment...
We have an Angular SPA hosted on S3/CloudFront and we would like to use path-based routing. When a link like is opened in a browser, we need the request to resolve t...
I built a lambda@edge that I use to authenticate calls on viewer request. If a request is rejected I want to play back as few information as possible to the caller and therefore want to remove some he...
Hello! I'm having trouble deleting a lambda@edge function that was replicated. The documentation says that it should be deleted within a few hours, but it's been about a day. In other cases, I've seen...
I'm trying to follow the demo in the blog posts:
1. [Signed cookie-based authentication with Amazon CloudFront and AWS Lambda@Edge: Part 1 -Authentication](