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All Content tagged with Lambda@Edge
Lambda@Edge is a feature of Amazon CloudFront that lets you run code closer to users of your application, which improves performance and reduces latency.
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Need help with setting up an A/B deployment with two CF Distributions. Trying to use some AWS docs to assist, but I'm not sure how to implement my use case with the example. Any guidance will be great...
I am attempting to validate a jwt. Should I used CloudFront function or Lambda@edge?
Good day to you, I own a music streaming app, and I'm looking for ways to minimize my cloudfront cost which has been over the roof for few weeks now, I want a situation whereby each time an mp3 file i...
My function does not seem to ever execute on accessing my website through the cloudfront servers. Testing the function works as expected, and creates logs in cloudwatch as expected, but I have not bee...
I uploaded web files provided by our customer to be hosted by an S3 bucket and once I used the URL to display everything worked except one image that could not be loaded and the error message i...
I have two buckets, one in eu-west-1 and one in us-east-1. Lambda@edge executes on origin requests. The request is dynamically recreated based on the origin of the client. I spun up two servers in res...
Importing the numpy C-extensions failed. This error can happen for
many reasons, often due to issues with your setup or how NumPy wa...
Assume a user connects via a Websocket connection to a server, which serves a personalized typescript function based on a personalized JSON file
So when a user connects,
- the personalized JSON file...
I have a CloudFront distribution with S3 origins.
In the origin settings there are custom headers added (i.e. "x-test").
The behaviour has two Lambdas: for "origin request" and "origin response" hooks...
Hi there,
I filter requests to have crawlers and bots consuming a dedicated origin.
This origin is an express webserver using puppeteer on ECS, behind an ALB.
Calling directly the ALB using public D...
I am having error with lambda once deployed into AWS.
<token> not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'Bearer <token>'
In which here, I am passing Auth0 gen...
I'm using a Lambda@Edge function (triggered on origin request) to change the meta tags for a react site, hosted on S3 with Cloudfront, for rich social sharing. It works perfectly for Facebook, but doe...