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published 23 days ago0 votes249 views
This article lists AWS Services with multi-Region capabilities
A lambda function in python using an AWS connector to download a file from a remote sftp server into a s3 bucket.
The response from the connector-id in the AWS CLI is (Got the connector-id from a ...
Hi Team,
I am trying to run restore verify command using S3 url but getting an error, below are the steps and error we are getting :
1) Create S3 bucket and upload backup files.
2) Create IAM policy ...
I set up my account this week, and after setting up a VPC I created an RDS instance using free tier specifications. Despite being in free tier it's still saying I will be charged "$0.115 per GB-month...
I need to remove all objects and versions in some folders in my S3 versioned bucket.
I tried with this command:
aws s3 rm s3://bucket/folder --recursive
But when I try this, all versions a...
Hello AWS Community,
I’m working on a project where I’m uploading files to a BTFS (BitTorrent File System) server using the AWS S3 SDK with an S3-compatible endpoint provided by BTFS. After successfu...
Hello Experts,
I have below mentioned queries regarding AWS FSX for NetApp ONTAP: -
1) We are planning to enable Tiering policy in our ONTAP based File system. I have a query will the backup tools (l...
We are running MySQL on a c5.xlarge with 4000 provisioned IOPs on gp3. Around October 26, we began to see an increase in writing delays, without any apparent increased load to explain it. CPU was unde...
i am trying to replicate one of the issue while downloading object from linode s3 storage using `com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3` client
I am trying two scenarios
1: getting metadata of t...
Greetings all, we were a little too lax in our EFS backups only backing up the file system once a month. It is 492GB in size.
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMvmEBD_tzSROy...
Why do I need to wait to up the IOPS and storage throughput? We are testing for a cumulus upgrade and want to be able to do this as part of the upgrade. I'm concerned if I will get this message when ...
I work for a company and we have a goverment client who wants to use CRR between their bucket and ours. Our bucket is in a different gov region than theirs (we are us-gov-east and they are us-gov-west...