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Hi All,
How can I identify and delete files in S3 account, which haven't been used in the past X time? Not talking about the last modify date, but the last retrieval date. S3 has lot if pictures and ...
How can I configure CloudFront with an S3 bucket to redirect the URL path of my website? Currently, I have my website hosted on S3 and CloudFront, and the URL structure uses .html files (e.g., example...
I created a parameter group and adjusted the queryConcurrency and queryQueueSize to 0. I applied the group to the running Timestream InfluxDB database. After a while, it went into a **FAILED** status....
I am having 2 Windows EC2 Instances, I have created a FSx drive to share data between these 2 EC2 instances, now day by day data on this FSx drive is increasing, so i wanted to move 1 year old data to...
I wish to capture and publish the following metrics for an FSx for Windows file system using CloudWatch:
* Sum of data transferred into the file system over 30 days
* Sum of data transferred out of ...
I have a Laravel application that display videos from S3 using a temporary singed URL.
We can open and watch the video normally in Lebanon or Turkey, but not in Kuwait
If the URL is opened in Kuwait,...
Good evening, I'm experiencing an issue with streaming S3 objects using `GetObjectCommand` on AWS JS SDK V3.
Our implementation for downloading an object from S3 is straightforward by just calling `...
The iM settings have been completed and permissions have been clearly written. Searching and creation work fine, but deletion does not work in a spring environment.
"Boolean isExist = amazonS3Client...
i have local environment that connect to direct connect in 1 gig line
I'm uploading the downloading files via this line , when i uploading files to s3 i have a full speed that i got - (1 GIG)
I am having `AWS S3` buckets with version enabled. For each object
* Object Key
* VersionId , Last Modified , size
Is there any Service available to achieve this report whether data from `S3` buc...
I have an s3 directory that contains thousands of small subdirectories and I want to delete the entire directory. I have tried deleting the directory via the aws cli and aws console , but neither meth...
Hello. I am looking to backup my local data.
## Key considerations:
### Files
* Total current size: 2 GB; not expected to ever increase beyond 4 GB; not expected to grow quickly
* Files: large number...