All Content tagged with Log Groups
Log groups define groups of log streams that share the same retention, monitoring, and access control settings.
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I am trying to use the watchtower API to send logs to Cloudwatch - but I don't see any log groups or any data.
Here is the relevant python code. Am I instantiating the Cloudwatch handler correctly? ...
Hello, Is there a way to retrieve the total count of queries executed against a specific CloudWatch Logs log group since the log group's creation or for a custom date range (e.g., past 30 days, past...
When I call ***FilterLogEvents*** and repeat/loop the call, using *nextToken* from the response, to load all the results that match the query (same filter string, and time window), the...
I am trying to do something basic: pipe logs from a process running on an EC2 instance to Cloudwatch. I followed the Cloudwatch tutorials for installing/configuring/starting an agent on the EC2...
Hi all,
Currently we are trying to enable pgAudit extensions on our cluster. However, this extension will increase the log sent to the CloudWatch drastically (we set our cluster to send the log to...
We are using Fluent Bit in our EKS cluster with custom Windows Core nodes. When a new Windows node is created, the logs from the pods running on it and the node itself do not appear in our CloudWatch...
I am currently using Fluent Bit DaemonSets to collect logs from both Linux and Windows nodes in UAT and Production environments. For Windows nodes, I am using Windows Core nodes with the same...
How can we change the date format to allow local time. Seems it only displays utc.
Here is a screenshot.
![Log Group Screen Shot](/media/postImages/original/IM0__iTQEWSZekbt2fusgmvg)
I have a lambda function that logs to a log group. On AWS console when I wanted to search for a string in my log group I would go to "Search all log streams" and then enter my string (usually...
I am trying to create a dashboard on Amazon QuickSight using data from AWS Batch and CloudWatch logs. I have some jobs on AWS Batch and would like to get the data for failed jobs. Each job in...
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMpqHVzKxgTpWnfQ41tx6ifg)
Hello, please I am having issues viewing all the log groups in a region. How do I increase quota or get access to...
A while ago I set up a same account export using the guide here: Essentially I end up with new folders daily, in my...