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All Content tagged with AWS Mainframe Modernization
Migrate, modernize, operate, and run mainframe workloads
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After deploying and starting my application in AWS M2, I tested the batches previously mentioned in the workshop (Test Batches) which ran succesfully, but upon trying to open the online view, I enter ...
I've tried to follow this demo and related toturials: (most relevant)
Hi, After running TRANBKP groovy in Execution->Test, batch (1st Execution), I am getting the following error:
Unable to read GDGState contents from file [.\AWS.M2.CARDDEMO.TRANSACT.BKUP.json]
Groovy ...
Hi Everyone,
While executing the automation step in the Blu Age L3 workshop, the batch test cases are passing. However, during the unloading process, I am encountering a deserialization error for 4 d...
I am unable to find the root cause of this issue and hence would appreciate any suggestions anyone can offer to debug this issue.
Here is what I am doing:
1. I am selecting option 5 to update...
I am trying to modify account 00000000002 in Account features step.
(The steps are :- Edit account 00000000002
Modify First Name to John and validate
Modify FICO Score to 350 and validate
Save the mod...
I was following SORT symbols Transform in Ad hoc Modifications step. But after transforming the COMBTRAN.jcl and TRANREPT.jcl files, I am not seeing the JCL folder in the output archive which is down...
Problem: The transformed COMBTRAN.groovy is different from the solution.
Step: Ad hoc Modifications, SORT symbols
Tranform version: 4.2.0
**Trasformed COMBTRAN.groovy:**

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 months ago0 votes267 views
This article explains how customers who use the AWS Mainframe Modernization service can leverage the AWS Countdown Premium offering to navigate through the challenges of mainframe modernization. Does it have any support/capabilities to convert ACUCOBOL ( to...
When I am trying to generate monthly transaction report, no error is being shown but the output file containing the monthly report is not getting generated in the working directory either. Here are th...
When I tried to open an workspace created a few days ago, I encountered this error ***"Cannot open the workspace: D:\PhotonUser\My Files\Home Folder\ws\wsCardDemo.rwp Cannot open database "D__PhotonUs...