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All Content tagged with Game Tech
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103 results
published 5 months ago0 votes161 views
Amazon GameLift launches a docker based solution to generate C++ Server SDK binary and SSL libraries for the Amazon GameLift Unreal plugin for game servers using Unreal Engine 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 that r...
published 5 months ago0 votes563 views
Amazon GameLift launches a fast game server update tool for development fleets
My Flexmatch "GameLift Matchmaking Event" is giving an error that says "MatchmakingFailed" and reason is "PLACING_FAILED" with the following message that says "Game session reservation has failed post...
published 5 months ago0 votes822 views
Amazon GameLift launches updates to the console experience to now automatically apply your display preferences for tables, saved to your AWS user account, as well as fleet creation workflow to make it...
So i keep getting this annoying error saying "SERVER_PROCESS_CRASHED -- The server process exited without calling ProcessEnding(). Check your game session log to see why ProcessEnding() was not calle...
published 6 months ago0 votes1.4K views
Launch of Nigeria Local Zone for Amazon GameLift
published 6 months ago0 votes2.2K views
Amazon GameLift launches a new Player Session Lookup dashboard to easily search for player sessions using either a Player ID or Player Session ID or the Game Session ID across all fleets in a region.
We're building a (web) game using [AWS GameLift with a "Realtime server"]( for the multiplayer backend.
We'd like to upd...
Hello, Is NodeJs Still not officially supported for Gamelift custom server Sdk ? and is it a good option as a Backend for a MOBA RTS-type Unreal Game? Any help is much appreciated
Hi, I have a queue which do matchmaking and after successful matchmaking, it creates an automatic backfill request to fill remaining player slot. The backfill works fine until a player who was part of...
I have the Unreal Gamelift plugin for AWS integrated. I am able to setup my user with AdministratorAccess + GameLiftGameServerGroupPolicy successfully, but I cannot find any information on how to setu...
I see that by default, the flexmatch doesnt support duplicate playerId. However, In my game, I want duplicate playerId to be. Is there any way to allow matchmaking for the same playerId twice or even ...