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published 10 months ago0 votes1552 views
published a year ago1 votes1176 views
im using unity multiplay service previously, but due to some limitation we decide to change to aws gamelift.
i have read some examples from github to integrate...
published a year ago0 votes1301 views
published a year ago0 votes1143 views
I am trying to run my gamelift fleet on Arm64 devices.But when i compile the c++ sdk i am getting .so file which i am putting in x86 folder(only this folder exist in unreal plugin in...
I am new to game development, but a 15 year software development vet and I've built an entire gameplay system for backend services for my game. I've decided that I'll run one server per map in...
We are setting up a Gamelift FlexMatch rule set with expansion on minPlayers. What we want to achieve:
- at the beginning, minPlayers as 4
- give first step 30s to have more chance to group 4 players...
Hey all, we are running into an issue when upgrading our engine from Unreal 5.2-5.3 where it is not compiling seemingly because of the way C++20 handles header includes and possibly other features. Is...
Let's say a new player is joining via backfill. I want to update him to the matchbackfill data with StartMatchBackFill method. How can I get his matchmaking attributes such as team, skill attributes...