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97 results
I am using Gamelift with Unreal Engine and the c++ server sdk documentation for 3.x is very ambiguous. I am trying to call the startMatchBackFill() method from the server SDK and not able to find a...
One of the API call from my gamelift server is failing due to certificate issue. I tried installing certificate using:
certutil -addstore CA C:\game\PATH\Certificates\###.####.crt.
However, the...
So I have a queue based matchmaking system where I am lowering the minimum players needed every couple of seconds. What I am noticing is, sometimes matchmaking takes too much time and then I might...
published a year ago0 votes1812 views
I have noticed a few tickets are failing with status 'GameSessionError, server not in a state to accept player' once I stop backfill for the session. How can this issue be addresed? How can I ensure...
Looking for any new or old Lua code samples that still work in O3DE. I have been struggling to find the correct syntax when writing scripts.
Even the old lumberyard samples are missing. For example, I...
I have a matchmaking rule set for 100 players. i want backfill to have high priority over creating a new session. But I'm seeing that backfill priority is for only algorithm "extensivesearch"....
Lets say I have my own local servers which I want to use with flexmatch for matchmaking. Is this possible?
I am trying to understand how flexmatch works and I want a simple matchmaking ruleset where matchmaking should start with a maximum of 50 players. But if not enough players are available, I want the...
I have one server instance which has started match based on matchmaking and lets say a few players have left. The queue should add more players to the session tight? Its not happening. What am I doing...
My gamelift matchmaking queue is facing an issue. So the previous ticket is cancelled by the queue if a new ticket contain the same player id. When I check the ticket status of the previous ticket...