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All Content tagged with AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
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92 results
I have a multi-tenant application with the following setup:
* **Frontend**: Telerik Blazor
* **Backend**: .NET Core AWS Serverless Application
* **Database**: SQL Server (each tenant has its own data...
I used '@azure/identity' package for my Lambda function. If I import but doesn't use the module, the Lambda function is error-free, however when I actually use the module by adding this code:
class S...
I have created 2 stacks in 2 different regions:
* 1 bucket as a secondary
* 1 bucket is primary
I try configuring the policy and access point in the **primary stack**. Still, I find it impossible bec...
I am playing witn sam init.
Created hello world typescript example
When deployed, it creates "/Prod/hello"
I want to speciify (in an .env if possible) the first segment as "staging" , "dev", "prod" ....
I'm using SAM to deploy lambda function with version. When redeploy function, I want to publish a new version for it. Please refer to SAM template file.
Function is deployed successfully and new vers...
I posted this question on Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79007070/adding-an-sns-destination-to-a-lambda-using-sam) but I thought I would try here as well. I am working on a lambda...
I am developing an API using AWS SAM and OpenAPI 3.0.0, and one of the endpoints will integrate with a Step Function. I have configured the integration using Application Composer in asynchrono...
I’m building a backend with AWS SAM and using Lambda functions (Node.js runtime with TypeScript) to process HTTP requests and send responses. The project integrates Prisma ORM to interact with...
Hi Team,
I'm currently trying to test my Lambda function locally using the SAM CLI with the command `sam local invoke -e events/requests/event.json` or through the VSCode debugger by specifying the p...
I am creating an API Gateway using AWS SAM.
At that time, I am trying to name "dev" as "StageName".
However, when I actually deploy it, a stage named "Prod" is created.
Is it not possi...
Hi AWS Community,
I'm reaching out for help with a frustrating issue I've been facing. Despite granting full access to CloudFormation stacks, I'm still encountering an AccessDenied error. This is rea...
I have small configuration file(local.yaml) and want to include it to lambda built by cargo lambda.
When using cargo lambda only, I can include config.yaml by running `cargo lambda build --output-for...