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All Content tagged with Amazon EMR
Amazon EMR is a cloud big data platform for running large-scale distributed data processing jobs, interactive SQL queries, and machine learning (ML) applications using open-source analytics frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto.
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431 results
Issue: PySpark works in the first cells (likely SparkSession creation) but throws import errors when using my Python files in later cells.
Environment: AWS EMR ( Amazon EMR version
Let me know if this is something AWS EMR Studio does:
1. in Databricks community edition, and in Google Collab, one can fire up a simple Jupyter notrebook with an automatically started cluster (small ...
Hi everyone,
I am using AWS EMR to do some ETL operations on very large datasets (like millions/billions of records). I am using PySpark and reading the csv files using *spark.read.csv*. The results ...
While running the serverless job run, I am getting below errror:
"Number of cores specified by 'spark.driver.cores '7' is invalid".
I have a EMR with Hbase on S3 storage mode.I have a read replica cluster pointing to same S3 bucket.
Now when I add record in primary cluster and flush table on primary, and then run refresh_hfiles...
I am getting error while launching EMR with Hbase as S3Storage and WAL backup enabled .
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: createWal failed for wal WALMetadata(WALWorkspace=testworkspace2, Ta...
published 9 months ago3 votes1.4K views
This article describes the high level procedure on how to integrate the tableau application with kerberized EMR cluster.
I have a Python package saved in CodeCommit and need to use it in the notebook attached to my EMR cluster workspace.
The package is already successfully installed via bootstrap.
To do this, in my .sh ...
I have a Serverless EMR appication, I am submitting a spark job via python script. I have packaged all the dependencies an an the script to an s3 bucket. When I execute the job the spark job is runnin...
I configured iceberg formatted table with transaction in hive on EMR 6.4.1. When I insert data into the table, the operation get stuck, without any error.
Any insights are highly appreciate...
I've started seeing the following error on JupyterHub on EMR
`TypeError: required field "type_ignores" missing from Module`
from the simplest commands
![the command](/media/postImages/original/IM0G...
Hi Team,
We have EMR 6.10 cluster where flink jobs submitted to existing application. Container was running in task node in my case. Then I resized the task instance group from 1 to 0 in task instance...