All Content tagged with Amazon Nitro Enclaves
AWS Nitro Enclaves enables customers to create isolated compute environments to further protect and securely process highly sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), healthcare, financial, and intellectual property data within their Amazon EC2 instances.
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8 results
I want to create a server on the host image which streams all enclave logs when enclave run in --debug mode to the clients.
Using `nitro-cli console` over a enclave instance in debug mode streams...
Running the command with a specific image id works:
`aws ec2 describe-images --image-id ami-01c4415fd6c2f0927 --region us-west-2 --query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1].{Name: Name, ImageId:...
**TL;DR:** Giving privileged access to AWS Nitro Enclave
I am trying to launch a [gVisor sandbox]( inside a AWS Nitro enclave. However, I am running into permission issues with...
We are considering using AWS Nitro Enclaves to handle signing payloads behind a time-lock puzzle. We are considering Nitro Enclaves because the signing standards are not available in HSM and because...
I have been using Nitro Enclaves for the last 2 months. Then I had to terminate my EC2 instances for a refunding issue. But when I spun up an EC2 today and tried to run the...
hi -
i've got a nitro-cli built enclave eif file built running on an m5.2xlarge 32G ec2 host. i have successfully run the reference hello.eif. i've had to adjust the...
I am following [this article]( to use Nitro Enclaves on EKS. My pods giving me warning and stuck in pending state.
`0/2 nodes are...
Does anyone have any guidance on adding a vTPM to an Openshift AWS hosted cluster? I need to be able to assess a root of trust from the container level. Would Nitro Enclaves be a good choice? Any...