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All Content tagged with Amazon Fraud Detector
fully managed service enabling customers to identify potentially fraudulent activities and catch more online fraud faster
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7 results
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 months ago5 votes4.7K views
The AWS Trust & Safety Center provides curated knowledge of AWS resources that can assist you in your cloud journey.
I'm working on implementing Amazon Fraud Detector and have some questions about the required EVENT_ID and ENTITY_ID.
1. What is the rationale behind requiring both EVENT_ID and ENTITY_ID?
2. Generati...
Hi, i'm trying to create a velocity check with AWS Fraud Detector but not found a way to accomplish this, it's possible?
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie in AWS Fraud Detector service. I got that AWS FD has some built-in use cases to detect fraud. However, I want to create a new use case with different features from the built...
In Amazon Fraud Detector, I have created the following variables:
Variable name | Data type | Variable type | Source
address_line_one | String | SHIPPING_ADDRESS_L1 | Event
I'm having difficulty finding information about the `entityId` and `eventId` input variables to [get a prediction](
' trying to deep dive on Amazon Fraud Detector [deployment pricing](
My understanding is that customers pay both a per-hour charge ("hosting charge") an...