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All Content tagged with Amazon API Gateway
fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale
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We have an AWS API Gateway in one account, and a user in our MarketPlace account with all the necessary IAM permissions. The URL to execute a POST command points to the API Gateway account, and for t...
Hi Everyone,
My project is using .NET Core sit in EC2 with an instance role.
When I call API Gateway HTTP API with authorizer is IAM Role, I'm using a function InstanceProfileAWSCredentials().
I'm using Amazon API Gateway (either REST or HTTP API) with an authorizer, and I access my backend through a PrivateLink. I want to retrieve information about the Cognito user accessing the API and se...
I want to restrict API Gateway HTTP API access through CloudFront. I was looking at this [blog post](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/protect-apis-with-amazon-api-gateway-and-perimeter-protection...
Previously I used aws lambda and apigateway to create applications, for several months it went smoothly, and I added a lot of custom domains (subdomains) for each api (microservice) that I created, bu...
I've configured a JTW authorizer type for one of the routes in my HTTP API Gatway. I've saved, and the stage is set to autodeploy.
When I refresh the Authorization tab in API Gateway I see that the au...
Hi, I've seen that API Gateway's HTTP APIs are supposed to be Generally Available. However, they are not available in the eu-south-2 region. Are there any plans to add this feature?
I have a Route inside the API HTTP Gateway that redirect to my MVPS machine.
On this machine are resident the APIs used by our SW infrastructure.
Sometimes, from our WebAPP, we received an error 503, ...
I have an ECS service with port mapping to 8082. This currently also has a public IP.
If I now create a CloudMap integration for the service, do I have to enter a port there or can I ignore the port?
I have a Fargate service in my ECS cluster. I would like to make the service accessible externally to be able to debug better. What is the best way to do this?
**Current State of Our Application:**
We provide API-level authorization for REST APIs exposed by our application.
We are using Cognito for user authentication and AVP for authorization.
Requests fro...
I faced this issue multiple times and I believe this is easily reproducible.
1. Build a new Restful API with proxy lambda integration.
2. Add "Accept" header in "Method request" option and "appl...