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All Content tagged with Application Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer operates at the request level (layer 7), routing traffic to targets (EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions) based on the content of the request.
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We have a microservice running in AWS ECS with OpenTelemetry instrumentation that exposes Prometheus metrics on a separate port. Currently, our deployment setup is:
Dev & Staging: Rolling update depl...
Issue Description
I'm experiencing an issue with CORS headers in AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB). While the headers are correctly set for successful responses (2XX), they're missing for error resp...
Dear Experts:
We have an application load balancer and two target groups: application frontend and backend.
The applications are running on ECS fargate, and load balancer use path to determine which ...
I'm setting some internal static sites in s3 that I want to access with https. To achieve this I have set up an ALB in front of an S3 VPC Interface endpoint to access the buckets from within our VPC o...
I want to create a ALB(Application Load balancer) listener rule that enable both http2 and http1.1 so that a client not able to use http2 can access to our site with http1.1.
So I created two target ...
We have a domain name that points to an application load balancer that redirects http(s) requests based on different rules. Now, we would like to redirect or www.abcd....
Hi, I followed the tutorial [aws-technical-essentials](
they provide a flask app at [this s3 resource uri](https://aws-tc-la...
We have the following setup:
Cloudfront -> ALB -> EC2
The ALB and EC2 have a timeout of over 10 minutes set, and if tested via ALB, it obeys these settings. However, when connecting via Cloudfront, ...
On AWS Cloud Quest - Improve Code Quality using Generative AI Project
The practise step 51 failed for 3 days consecutively with the error below and the resources provided did not allow us to create t...
What are the best practices for optimizing EC2 instance costs when supporting 2000 concurrent users streaming video or audio content? Would a mix of instance types or spot instances be effective for s...
I've created a EKS cluster with auto mode and ipv6. To the cluster role I have attached
- AmazonEKSComputePolicy
- AmazonEKSBlockStoragePolicy
- AmazonEKSLoadBalancingPolicy
- AmazonEKSNetworkingPoli...
Hello, we have an app running in ecs which we access through a rest api gateway. We have just built an endpoint that will stream the response of an llm which works locally however when I try and call ...