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All Content tagged with Application Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer operates at the request level (layer 7), routing traffic to targets (EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions) based on the content of the request.
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534 results
We have an HTTP API, and have a private API server using Elastic Beanstalk that is equipped with an Application Load Balancer (ALB).
Through a stage variable, we've configured some route integrations ...
You are trying to use the caching functionality of your current Web image file using cloudfront.
The image file path is a locally stored image within the web server, not s3.
So you have to tak...
We are running one ecs cluster. Where we have a ECS service with auto scaling enabled.
Our one ECS task can handle lets say 3 processes.
We know how many process is running in a ECS task.
Now we want ...
Could you please help if there's a way to provide a custom JSON response if there's an issue with the client's cert or it's missing.
Thanks in advance!
Which is the Route53 preferred way to make redirect from a main domain to a subdomain, for an HTTPS site, from an A record (main domain) to a CNAME record in subdomain (redirect with S3 works ...
I have made new target group rules based on the HTTP header, and they are not being served.
I have tried... (1) a new target group; (2) an existing target group that is successfully receiving traff...
What is the preferred way to create DNS record for Application Load balancer in route53.
Option 1: use Cname record
Option 2: A record with Alias -> It is pointing to dualstack.*
I have a ECS cluster running Fargate profile and ECS service associated to public ALB (2 AZs), running one task. I´m trying to simulate an AZ failure blocking all traffic in one AZ using Network ACL.
I have create a vpc and more with 2 AZ , public network and private network, I have place 2 ec2 auto scaling groups in private network and allowed all traffic in security groups. and created bastion h...
I am trying to migrate from using a software load balancer running on an EC2 instance to an AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer). I got quite far in replicating part of the functionality of the softwa...
I'm configuring mutual TLS (mTLS) on multiple Application Load Balancers (ALBs) spread across different AWS regions, and I have a question about the truststore setup.
In AWS, the truststore is typica...
Hello lovely AWS community!
So, when using an ALB (Application Load Balancer), the ALB adds a header to the request before forwarding it to an origin server. The header is called X-Amzn-Trace-Id. I...