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All Content tagged with Amazon Q Business
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Just started a new AWS account.
Created a Q Business application.
Successfully attached a data source.
Created a user and gave it the following permissions:
AWS managed - job f...
Does AWS Q Business actually able to answer questions from data sources other than docx or web crawler. I have been testing with Confluence and Slack. Both data sync success, items are indexed. But Q ...
published 6 months ago0 votes800 views
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I have integrated Amazon Q Business with Service Now (dev instance) and indexed the incidents and the knowledgebase articles.
Here is the result of the sync jobs
"history": [
Hi There,
I was able to log in with a user on the console and able to use the web experience and chat. However, when I use the same user account to call the QBusineesClient chatSync Method I get an e...
Hello everyone,
We have CloudTrail capturing all event logs from `qbusiness` and sending the logs to an S3 bucket, yet there is no recording of user conversations in any of the logs. Does anyone hav...