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All Content tagged with AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT)
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37 results
I can't figure out how to maintain table and column case when converting SQL Server Schema to Postgres.
I have tried settting
* "Treat source database object names as case sensitive" = YES In the sou...
I am trying to convert Oracle schema to Postgres 13.7 with SCT, SCT assessment report shows following
postgresql does not support foreign keys that referencing partitioned tables
As per Postgres docum...
I need to limit the number of connections to the source DB and seem to recall I had set this value in the .cfg file mentioned. I updated and it looks like I lost that settings.
I have a IBM DB2 9.5 system that I want to migrate to RDS using DMS. The documentation says that the Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) will work with IBM DB2 version 9.5, but it is not listed as a supporte...
I have selected Oracle DB as my source database and AWS Redshift as target in Schema Conversion Tool.
Connection to source is successful though while connecting to Redshift I am getting an error.
Does SCT support converting Oracle View to Redshift View?
IHAC who is doing scoping with an Architecture using DMS and SCT. I had a few questions I was hoping you can get answered for me.
1. Does AWS DMS support data validation with Cassandra as a source? ...
How to migrate DB on premise Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server DB in AWS. We see SCT will not allow MS SQL Server as Target when source is Oracle. Looking for tools like SCT to move Schema from Oracle.
I used keytool to import the client cert and the key as one certificate and the server CA as its own certificate. And created a jks keystore and added that as a trust store in the SCT tool. But I am u...
Hello All,
As of now, SCT doesn't support SAP HANA as one of the source databases. Any other way to migrate the SAP HANA database (schemas, views, procedures, function....) to Redshift?
I understand...
I am trying to use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool to convert a SQL Server instance running on RDS to Aurora MySQL. I have a large number of databases in the same SQL Server instance, and was able to s...
I have a SQL Server 2016 database with several tables and 30+ million rows . Currently the Microsoft instance is on premises but it could be copied onto an EC2 instance. We are still investigating the...