All Content tagged with Oracle to Aurora
Expert conversation about Migration problems related to migrating Oracle applications and databases to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL.
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4 results
I am trying to migrate the tables from on-prem Oracle to Aurora Postgres using AWS DMS.My load was successful but there are few errors when I checked through table statistics:
1. There are few ta...
I can do select * from these but I can't do by field/column.
Is this an expected behaviour?
The database is PostgreSQL and I've setup Oracle to PostgreSQL DMS.
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We want to backup and restore Oracle RDS twice a day (incrementally) cross account at the schema and tables level, excluding DMS, Golden Gate, snapshots, and RMAN. What third-party solution is availab...
DMS load fails from Oracle NUMBER(38) source to Aurora Postgres BIGINT (INT8) target. Passes premigration assessment. All values being migrated are below 2,000,000,000 (~BIGINT limit).
The load suc...