Articles tagged with AWS User Notifications

AWS User Notifications lets you centrally setup and view notifications from AWS services, such as AWS Health events, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, or EC2 Instance state changes, in a consistent, human-friendly format.

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7 results
Email overload is a common challenge for organizations managing multiple AWS accounts. When an AWS Health event affects multiple accounts in your organization, the same notification might be sent to s...
profile pictureAWS
published 4 months ago1 votes386 views
This article deep dives using the properties of AWS Health events, advanced filtering with event patterns, and real-world filter examples you can use with AWS User Notifications
profile pictureAWS
published 4 months ago0 votes411 views
This article shows how to configure logging of your AWS Health events in JSON to a CloudWatch log group. New events appear in your log group which you can use for reference when building and testing e...
profile pictureAWS
published 4 months ago0 votes547 views
This article shows how to create and test a filter (event pattern) for AWS Health events using the Amazon EventBridge Sandbox and then using that event pattern to send those events to specific recipie...
Join us live on []( on Monday, October 14th to hear us discuss Monitoring the Health of your Workloads with User Notifications
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 6 months ago5 votes2.2K views
This article explains how you can use AWS User Notifications to centralize public event notifications from multiple AWS Regions.
New this year, the AWS Customer Experience team has tips to help you enhance your re:Invent experience and learn about various improvements that make AWS even easier to use.
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