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Articles tagged with Internet of Things (IoT)
Connect, collect, store, and analyze device data for industrial, consumer, and commercial use
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9 results
published a month ago0 votes53 views
Use the IoT Core registry attribute as a cost effective way of enriching a message and routing to a queue or topic using a single IoT Core Rule.
published 3 months ago2 votes434 views
This blog covers how to send device messages from AWS IoT Core to a self-managed Kafka cluster hosted on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) using the AWS IoT Rules Engine.
published a year ago3 votes2.4K views
Operational Excellence (one of AWS Well-Architected Framework six pillars) includes the ability to gain insights into your workloads operations. In the context of IoT, this might translate to the abil...
published a year ago1 votes1.3K views
Does your IoT device use AWS IoT OTA to manage software or firmware updates? Do you want to use advanced job features such as automated retry, scheduled jobs, recurring maintenance windows and Softwar...
published a year ago1 votes1.3K views
Are you building a resource-constrained device that will connect to AWS IoT Core? Maybe you’re aware of FreeRTOS and the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C (C-SDK), but you’re unclear what each is for....
published a year ago1 votes2.3K views
Will your IoT device use AWS IoT OTA to manage software or firmware updates? Perhaps you’re aware that OTA updates support both MQTT and HTTP for file transfer, but you’re unsure which one to use. Thi...
published a year ago1 votes2.8K views
Do you want to use AWS IoT services to send software updates to your IoT devices? Maybe you’ve heard of AWS IoT Jobs and AWS IoT OTA updates but the distinction between them is unclear. This article e...
published a year ago1 votes2K views
Are you building an IoT device that will connect to AWS IoT Core? Maybe you’ve heard of FreeRTOS, AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT ExpressLink, AWS IoT Device Client or the AWS IoT Device SDKs but you’re u...
published 2 years ago3 votes1.6K views
This article will walk you through how to configure AWS IoT TwinMaker Asset Sync with a Brewery simulation environment. The end result will be an imported entity hierarchy from AWS IoT SiteWise. Incor...