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Articles tagged with AWS Blu Age
A tag related to AWS Blu Age processes, workshops, pricing etc.
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6 results
published 10 months ago2 votes3.6K views
This article explains how you can use Amazon EventBridge and AWS Step Functions to build a batch job scheduler for AWS Mainframe Modernization
published a year ago2 votes3.5K views
This article explains how to develop AWS Step Functions to automate the Deployment and Start of new version of AWS Mainframe Modernization application. The Step Functions can be triggered from the CI/...
published a year ago3 votes3.3K views
This article explains how to submit an ad-hoc job for AWS Mainframe Modernization application from AWS console.
published a year ago2 votes2.6K views
AWS Mainframe Modernization applications are generally spread across multiple underlying instances for resiliency purpose. The logs generated from these instances are sent to separate Amazon CloudWatc...
published a year ago2 votes4.1K views
This article explains how Amazon EventBridge Scheduler can be used to trigger an AWS Mainframe Modernization batch job either one-time or in a recurring schedule.
published a year ago3 votes2.8K views
This article explains how a backend CICS transaction when migrated to AWS Mainframe Modernization service using AWS Blu Age, can be invoked via API. In this scenario the JICS transaction is invoked fr...